The Physiological Parameters which Measured in Different Growing Stages of II. Crop Soybean Cultivars [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]

SPAD, leaf area index, leaf area cultivar, correlationAbstract
The study, which includes 13 soybean varieties in different maturation groups, was carried out according to a randomized complete block design with three replications in Şırnak province in 2019. In the study, Chlorophyll content (SPAD), leaf area (LA), leaf area index (LAI) and leaf growth rate (LGR) characteristics measured at the beginning of flowering (R1) and seed maturity (R5) were investigated. The SPAD value ranged 35.35-42.20 in R1 and 42.33-36.5 in R5; LA feature varied between 172.33 cm2 - 41.66 cm2 in R1, 198.66 cm2 - 46 cm2 in R5; LAI property varied between 2.46 cm2 / cm2 - 1.14 cm2 / cm2 in R1, and 6.75 cm2 / cm2 - 3.34 cm2 / cm2 in R5. Among the physiological measurements examined, a positive and 0.1% positive relationship between LAI (R5) and LGR (r = 0.908) and a positive and 1% significant relationship between LA (R1) and LA (R5) (r = 0.544) were observed.
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