About the Journal
ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences has been published 4 issues per year (March, June, September, December) by IKSAD (Institute of Economic Development and Social Research) since 2017.
The journal was established to present to the scientific community original studies in all fields of agriculture and agriculture-related sciences from Türkiye and all over the world, which have not been published or sent elsewhere for publication.
At least 2 or 3 external and independent referees who are experts in their fields are appointed by the section editor to evaluate the articles deemed appropriate. Each article is evaluated through a double-blind peer review process (neither the author nor the referee identities are disclosed). Articles sent to the authors along with the referee report should be corrected and sent back to the editor as soon as possible.
The journal accepts research articles online with the Open Journal System (OJS) and offers the articles in all issues to the service of stakeholders with unlimited access facilities. As it is known, Open Journal Systems increase the impact of articles by offering more qualified viewing opportunities to all readers on a national and international scale compared to subscription distribution systems. OJS systems also provide easy access to researchers in terms of indexing, retrieval, free access and duplication.
Every article published in the journal since 2020 has given a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number. ORCID numbers of all article authors must be stated on the article title page as of January 2020. Authors who do not have an ORCID number must obtain a number by registering at www.orcid.org. ORCID number is mandatory. Articles that do not have an ORCID number or are incorrect will not be evaluated. Since it is obligatory to provide ORCID numbers on articles accepted for publication, the "Title Page" must be filled completely in this sense in the article submission (upload) process.
Current Issue
Full Issue
The Effects of Soil and Foliar Humic + Fulvic Acid Applications on Yield and Yield Components of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
Abstract views: 95 /
PDF downloads: 77
Determination of Silage Quality of Some Sorghum Genotypes under Eskişehir Ecological Conditions
Abstract views: 62 /
PDF downloads: 47
Determination of Efficacy of Some Fungicides Against Neoscytalidium novaehollandiae Species Causing Economic Losses in Plants
Abstract views: 87 /
PDF downloads: 44
The Effect of Salinity Stress on the Germination and Early Growth Parameters of Selected Ryegrass Species
Abstract views: 76 /
PDF downloads: 72
Prediction of Moisture Content in Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa) Dried Using Machine Learning Approaches
Abstract views: 67 /
PDF downloads: 41
Determination of Nutrition Status of Leaf and Soil Samples of Olive Trees in Reyhanlı District of Hatay
Abstract views: 99 /
PDF downloads: 69
Effects Of Stubble Burning on Selected Physical and Chemical Properties in Alkaline Agricultural Soil
Abstract views: 106 /
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The Effects of Prechilling, Chemical and Physical Scarification and Preheating Shock on Seed Gerimination in Capparis spinosa
Abstract views: 84 /
PDF downloads: 43
Investigation of the Effects of Different Humic Acid Applications on Seedling Development of Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Under Salt Stress
Abstract views: 84 /
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Evaluation of Phenological and Pomological Characteristics of Walnut Cultivars in the Ecology of Tavas (Denizli)
Abstract views: 96 /
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Field and In-Vitro Studies on the Use of Low Glyphosate doses for Broomrape Control in Tobacco
Abstract views: 71 /
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The Influence of PEG-Induced Drought Stress on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth Traits of Tetraploid Annual Ryegrass Cultivars
Abstract views: 93 /
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Characterization and Investigation of Antifungal Activity of Endophytic Bacteria Isolated from Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) Plant
Abstract views: 69 /
PDF downloads: 47
Effects of Different Cultivation Systems and Fruit Parts on Mineral Composition: a Case Study on Kumquat
Abstract views: 71 /
PDF downloads: 39
The Effect of Irrigation in the Different Development Periods on Yield and Yield Components in Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.)
Abstract views: 69 /
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Analysis of the Composition and Contaminants in Packaged Mixed Herbal Tea Blends from Aydın Province
Abstract views: 218 /
PDF downloads: 109
Effects of Postharvest Salicylic Acid and Chitosan Applications on Storage Performance and Fruit Quality in 0900 Ziraat Cherry Cultivar
Abstract views: 67 /
PDF downloads: 42
Evaluation of Tolerance of Trans Chromosomal Primary Tritipyrum Lines to NaCl Salinity for Germination and Seedling Emergence
Abstract views: 63 /
PDF downloads: 30
Efficacy of Trap Types on the Attractiveness of Kermania pistaciella Amsel, 1964 (Lepidoptera: Tineidae)
Abstract views: 73 /
PDF downloads: 45
Determination of the Effects of Different Potassium Application Doses on Yield and Quality Parameters of Wheat (Triticum spp.)
Abstract views: 86 /
PDF downloads: 40
Comparison of Survival of Black Alaca Calves Raised in Different Regions of Türkiye
Abstract views: 70 /
PDF downloads: 37
Detection and Pathogenicity of Fusarium proliferatum Causing Wilt in Cotton in Sanliurfa Province of Turkey
Abstract views: 75 /
PDF downloads: 68