Determination of Nutrition Status of Leaf and Soil Samples of Olive Trees in Reyhanlı District of Hatay

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Hatay, olive, plant nutrition, soil analysis, leaf analysis


The study was carried out to determine the nutritional status of olive orchards selected to represent Reyhanlı district of Hatay province. For this purpose, 30 soil and 15 leaf samples were taken from 15 different olive gardens from two different depths: 0-30 and 30-60 cm. Some macro-micro nutrient element analyzes were performed on soil and leaf samples, and additional texture, lime, pH, salt, KDK and organic matter analyzes were performed on soils. According to the findings, the soils of the research area; It has been determined that it has a clay loam texture, slightly alkaline reaction, is generally poor in organic matter, in the salt-free, calcareous, and very calcareous class. In the study, K, Mg, Fe and Cu contents were determined to be compatible with soil and leaf contents. However, although 26.67% of the N content and 6.67 % of the P content of the soil samples were found to be deficient, the N and P contents of all leaf samples were found to be sufficient. In addition, although most of the Zn and Mn contents of the soil were below the sufficient limit, it was determined that all the leaf Zn contents, and most of the Mn contents (93.33 %) were sufficient. As a result, the findings obtained reveal that the imbalance of some plant nutrients determined in the soil and plant analysis in the olive groves of Reyhanlı district of Hatay province has some problems in the nutrition of the plants, and the existence of plant nutrition programs that are not based on soil and plant analysis in the olive orchards in the region. For this reason, after the problem is clearly identified by increasing olive nutrition studies, in addition to the necessity of appropriate fertilizer studies and determination of doses, producers need to give due importance to soil, and leaf analyzes and raise awareness about nutrition based on scientific foundations.




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How to Cite

PİLATİN, A., & ÇİMRİN , K. M. . (2025). Determination of Nutrition Status of Leaf and Soil Samples of Olive Trees in Reyhanlı District of Hatay. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 9(1), 89–106.


