Determination of Silage Quality of Some Sorghum Genotypes under Eskişehir Ecological Conditions

Sorghum, genotype, silage quality, crude proteinAbstract
A randomized block design was employed to determine the silage quality of some sorghum genotypes grown after wheat harvest. In the study, 10 sorghum lines (104, 12, 301, 302, 304, 32-1, 8, B305 G310, K311) and 12 registered sorghum varieties (Aldarı, Beydarı, E: Sumoc, Erdurmuş, Greengo, Gözde 80, Haybuster, Leoti, Nes, Öğretmenoğlu, Uzun, Rox) were utilized. The analysis focused on dry matter, crude protein, NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber), ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber) and ADL (Acid Detergent Lignin) content. Significant differences were identified among the lines and varieties in all the measured parameters. The results revealed that the average dry matter, crude protein, NDF, ADF and ADL percentages of the sorghum genotypes were 22.78%, 8.05%, 76.81%, 46.32% and 5.51%, respectively. Based on these findings, it is recommended that the Haybuster variety and line 301 for silage production in Eskişehir and similar ecological regions due to their high dry matter and crude protein content.
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