Effect of Inoculation Methods on Pathological Changes in Tomato (Solanum lycopersici Mill.) Plants Inoculated with Neoscytalidium dimidiatum [(Penz.) Crous & Slippers]

Neoscytalidium dimidiatum, tomato, pathogenicity, symptom index, inoculation methodsAbstract
Tomato plant, which is an important source of income in the agricultural economy in the world and in our country, is very sensitive to biotic and abiotic stress factors. Neoscytalidium dimidiatum, which causes shoot and stem drying, leaf blight, root rot and necrosis of the transmission bundle, has recently been detected in tomato plants in our region. In this study, different tissues (leaf, shoot, stem and root) of tomato plants were inoculated with different methods (spray, injection, pricking, wounding, inoculation with wheat, root dipping in spore solution). No treatment was applied to the control plants. Symptom index values of all inoculated plants increased and the disease agent caused infection regardless of which tissue of the plant it entered. Inoculation from the root zone was found to be more effective. These findings were also supported by physiological parameters. In this study, in addition to the known aggressiveness of the pathogen, it was found that the ability to infect was still dependent on the inoculation method, with only the degree of pathogenicity differing. It has been observed that cultural measures, insect vector control or the assumption that the pathogen can enter through wounds are not effective in controlling the pathogen. The use of resistant varieties and the need to increase the defence mechanism of existing plants by biochemical means were emphasised in the main control of the disease agent.
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