Evaluation of Morphological Characteristics of Different Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Genotypes that Can Grow in Muş Conditions with Different Analysis Methods

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Helianthus annuus L.,, sunflower, augmented, yield, adaptation


The sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) plant is produced in the world and in Türkiye for the vegetable oil obtained from its seeds. It is an economically significant oil plant in the world and Türkiye with its high oil content (45-50%). It is grown as oil and snack food in different ecological regions of Türkiye. This study was conducted in irrigated conditions in Muş province in the 2023 production season. It was established as 5 blocks according to the Augmented trial design, using 81 genotypes as research material. In line with the parameters obtained from the research, it varied between 108.78-200.05 cm plant height, 14.33-23.33 cm head diameter, 38.38-106.58 g 1000 seed weight, 157.63-390.61 kg da-1 seed yield.  Plant height of genotypes compared to control varieties in terms of all examined traits; 4, head diameter; 6, 1000 seed weight; 16, seed yield; 13 genotypes were found to be superior to control varieties. According to all analysis methods, SLP was found to have high levels of adherence to HD and SUD, and the remaining other examined characteristics were determined to be interrelated. Also the study; G67, G66, G41 and G30 genotypes were found to be higher than the control varieties in terms of all characteristics. In conclusion; It is anticipated that, in the light of the data obtained in the study, it will help local producers and scientists plan similar research.


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How to Cite

BARAN, N. (2025). Evaluation of Morphological Characteristics of Different Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Genotypes that Can Grow in Muş Conditions with Different Analysis Methods. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 9(1), 139–151. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14586641


