Characterization of Insecticidal Proteins Produced by Bacillus spp. Strains Isolated from Agricultural Fields by Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy

Bacillus, cry protein, electron microscopy, strainsAbstract
In this study, insecticidal proteins produced by Bacillus spp. strains isolated from agricultural fields were characterized using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). Cry proteins produced by the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) are crystalline structures with toxic effects on insects and are widely used in biological pest control. The research involved isolating Bacillus strains from soil samples collected from agricultural areas across five different districts in Kayseri Province. A total of 203 bacterial isolates were obtained, of which 75 were identified as belonging to the Bacillus genus. Among these, five Bacillus thuringiensis strains were observed to produce insecticidal crystal proteins (ICPs). FESEM analyses revealed ICP structures in bipyramidal, spherical, and irregular shapes. These proteins were found to be effective against insect species, suggesting their potential as biopesticides in agricultural pest management.
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