Current Status of Agricultural Producers in Iğdır Province

Igdır, agriculture, farmerAbstract
The purpose of this study is to determine the current status of producers engaged in agricultural production in Iğdır Province. For this purpose, face-to-face interviews were made with 369 producers selected according to the proportional sample size method. 46 of the producers are women and 323 of them are men. The highest rate of age is between the ages of 41-50 with 35%. Secondary education has the highest share with 46.3% when educational status is examined. Secondary education has the highest share with 46.3% when educational status is examined. The most important goal of the producers in agricultural production has been to achieve the highest profit. Their most insignificant purpose is to try to set an example for the farmers around them. Farmers are aware that they need to protect nature in order to be able to farm in the future. It is seen that the protection of nature for farmers is important in terms of sustainability in agricultural production. Cooperatives should be supported in order to overcome the problems of producers who produce with small capacity in the region. The producers who have understood the importance of the environment should be given technical support and training activities should be intensified.
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