Investigation of Nitrate Content of Sage (Salvia fruticosa Mill) and Oregano (Origanum onites) Plants

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  • Işın KOCABAŞ OĞUZ Korkuteli Vocational High School, Department of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, University Akdeniz



Salvia fruticosa Mill, Origanum onites, nitrate


In this study, the nitrate contents of sage (Salvia fruticosa Mill) and oregano (Origanum onites) plants and their soils growing naturally between Kekova and Kaş were investigated. The spectrometric method was used in nitrate analysis on leaf samples of plants collected from research areas. NO3-N contents were determined as mg kg-1 dry weight of dry matter. The leaves chlorophyll concentrations were measured with the Minolta SPAD 502 plus chlorophyll meter. DR 2800 (Hach-Lange, USA) Spectrophotometer was used for nitrate analysis in dry and moist soil samples. Nitrate contents of plant leaves were from 140.12 to 363.64 mg kg-1 values in sage leaf samples; It was determined that oregano leaf samples varied from 106.06 to 415.58 mg kg-1. Nitrate contents of soils ranged from 2.66 to 24.66 μg g-1 in soils where sage is grown; it ranged from 6.24 to 19.82 μg g-1 in the soils oregano is grown.


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How to Cite

Işın KOCABAŞ OĞUZ. (2021). Investigation of Nitrate Content of Sage (Salvia fruticosa Mill) and Oregano (Origanum onites) Plants. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 5(1), 21–26.


