Determining The Effects Of Different Treatments On The Flowering Of Sweet Cherry Trees And Fruit Quality

Prunus avium L., earliness, fruit diameter, full bloom, foliar applicationAbstract
Earliness is also very important in addition to yield and fruit quality for more profitable production in sweet cherry cultivation. Therefore, some preparats are applied to get flowering even earlier in Kemalpaşa District of Izmir province, where sweet cherry fruits from Turkey are harvested the earliest. In this study, it was aimed to determine the effects of different treatments in the pre-flowering period on flowering and fruit quality of sweet cherry fruits. The study was carried out in the 2018 production year in a sweet cherry orchard established with the "0900 Ziraat" (Prunus avium L.) variety grafted on the "idris" (Prunus mahaleb) rootstock belonging to a producer in Kemalpaşa district of Izmir province. Approximately 30 days before flowering, Bud Feed 20 (BF20), 40 (BF40) and 60 mL L-1 (BF60) doses with Sett (3 mL L-1), Erger (50 mL L-1) + CaNO3 were treated to the sweet cherry trees from the leaf. The trees that are sprayed only with water were considered as control. Branches of similar size were selected from 4 different directions of the trees to determine flowering in sweet cherry trees, and the number of flowers bloomed on the branches recorded for 2-day intervals from March 17, when the first flowering was observed until the flowering was completed. The sweet cherry trees treated with BF40 + Sett, BF60 + Sett, and Erger + CaNO3 had the flowering 6-7 days and full bloom 7-8 days before compared to the control trees. The last flowering time of BF60 + Sett treated sweet cherry trees was 8 days earlier than the control trees, and 6 days earlier than the other treatments. It was determined that the weight and diameter of the fruits in BF60 + Sett and Erger + CaNO3 treated sweet cherry trees were partially higher than the control, while the other quality parameters were similar. The results showed that BF60 + Sett, Erger + CaNO3 and BF40 + Sett treatments were effective in the early flowering of sweet cherry fruits.
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