Cultivation Possibilities of Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis L.) in the Central Anatolia Region of Turkey

Essential oil content, essential oil components, lemon balm, Melissa officinalisAbstract
This study was carried out to determine yield and quality characteristics of Lemon balm (M. officinalis L.) in in 7 districts (7 locations) under Kayseri ecological conditions for 3 years in 2015-2017. In this research, herbage yield, essential oil content, essential oil yield and components were determined. Dry herbage yields varied between 5250-6100 kg ha-1, essential oil contents varied between 0.07-0.24%, and essential oil yields as 4.2 lt ha-1. The main essential oil components were gereniol (1.90-20.77%), nerylacetate (1.13-34.63%), linalool (4.04-25.34%), neral (5.10-12.96%), caryophylleneoxide (0.78-15.17%), geranial (1.20-14.19%), β–caryophyllene (8.50-12.93%). In terms of herbage yield and essential oil quality, Yahyalı and Kocasinan districts, had favorable environmental conditions for lemon balm cultivation.
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