Effects on Maize (Zea mays L.) Production of Sowing Areas and Yields Per Years in Turkey
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Maize, Cultivation area, Production, Yield, YearsAbstract
Corn, is one of the six grains that feed the world population, is the second grain in the world after wheat as a cultivation area. It has been the most produced grain in the world with its versatile area of use, adaptability and efficiency. The maize varieties grown in the world and Turkey Zea mays indentata, Zea mays indurate, Zea mays evert, Zea mays saccharata, Zea mays Tunicata, Zea mays amylacea and Zea mays is 7 kinds, including the cerate. The most grown of these are Zea mays indentata and Zea mays indurata. Zea mays indentata, which is mostly used as animal feed in our country, is used as grain or silage. It was determined by this study that the corn cultivation areas have not changed much since 1961, but there are significant increases in the yield increase by using hybrid varieties. The yield increase in corn also affected the corn production. In this study, it was observed that between the years 1961-2020, corn cultivation areas had no effect on corn production but, the effect of corn yield on corn production was 5.86 million tons. Between 2001-2020, it is seen that the effects of corn cultivation area and yield on corn production were 0.90 and 2.39 million tons, respectively. In this study, it is aimed to contribute to the planning of the future by analyzing the stages in corn production as we come to this day.
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