Tolerance of Daffodil (Narcissus poeticus L. c.v. “Ice Folies”) to Nickel Contaminated Media

Daffodil, flowering, nickel, tolerance, plant growthAbstract
The objective of this study was to determine the tolerance of daffodil (Narcissus poeticus L. c.v. “Ice Folies”) as a hyperaccumulator plant to nickel contaminated media. This research was carried out in a completely randomized plot experimental design with three replications in green house conditions. Four doses of nickel (control, 25 mg kg-1, 50 mg kg-1, 75 mg kg-1) were applied to each growing media having 500 g soil:sand mixture in 2:1 ratio. The distillate water was used in irrigation and Hoagland solution was applied for fertilization. At the end of the experiment, effects of nickel applications on leaf length, plant length, flower length (P<0.01) and flower diameter, stem diameter (P<0.05) were found significant, except leaf number and leaf length. The lowest first flowering time, full flowering time and first floret withering time were obtained in control and 75 mg kg-1 nickel application. The highest leaf length (341.60 mm), plant length (418.24 mm), flower length (70.74 mm) and stem diameter (7.63 mm) were obtained in 75 mg kg-1 nickel application. The highest flower diameter was found as 78.35 mm in 25 mg kg-1 nickel application. Generally, while the nickel doses increased flowering time, leaf length, plant length, flower length and flower diameter increased.
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