A Study on the Determination of Some Physical and Physiological Properties of Seeds of Two Different Jute Varieties (Corchorus capsularis L. and Corchorus olitorius L.)

Corchorus capsularis, Corchorus olitorius, Seed dimension, Seed characteristicsAbstract
In recent years, the production of natural and recyclable, environmentally friendly products has come to the fore rather than textile and textile products produced from petroleum resources. One of the materials used in the production of these products is the Jute plant. This study was carried out in a laboratory environment under controlled conditions between 2019 and 2020. In the study, some physical (shape-size, surface area, average arithmetic-geometric diameter, sphericity, thousand grain weight) and physiological properties (germination percentage and time, average shoot-root lengths) of seeds belonging to two different varieties of Jute plant (Corchorus capsularis L. and Corchorus olitorius L.) were determined. According to the data obtained; It has been determined that C. capsularis variety has a short and oval structure, while C. olitorius variety has a medium and oval structure. Furthermore, the germination rate was determined as 74.5% in C. capsularis seeds and 63.5% in C. olitorius seeds.
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