Determination of Yield and Some Yield Components of The Registered Dry Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Cultivars of Turkey in Van Conditions

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  • İlhan ZİREK Agricultural Engineer, VAN, Turkey
  • Necat TOĞAY Fethiye ASMK Vocational High School, Mugla S. K. University, Mugla, Turkey



: Dry bean, Variety, Yield, Yield attributes, Van Gurpinar


This study was conducted to determine cultivars which grown at Van Gurpinar ecological conditions and their some important agricultural and plant properties in 2013 year in center of Gurpinar. In the study was used 13 cultivars which officially registered such as Bulduk, Akın, Göynük, Karacaşehir 90, Arslan, Özdemir, Önceler, Battal, Zülbiye, Göksun, Akman 98, Akdağ and Güngör and 2 genotypes (Gevaş 1 and Gevaş 2). The trial was conducted by using randomized complete blocks design with the three replications. In the study were investigated sowing times on plant height, first pod height, numbers of branches, numbers of pod per plant and numbers of seed per plant, numbers of seed per pod, seed yield per unit area, harvest index, biological yield and 1000 seed weight. While the highest seed yield per area was obtained from Bulduk varieties with 360.4 kg da-1, the lowest seed yield per area was obtained from Önceler with 201.6 kg da-1.


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How to Cite

İlhan ZİREK, & Necat TOĞAY. (2021). Determination of Yield and Some Yield Components of The Registered Dry Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Cultivars of Turkey in Van Conditions. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 5(3), 585–597.


