Irrigation Water Use Efficiency and Economic Analysis in Main Crop Silage Maize Cultivation

Bilecik, silage maize, variety, irrigation water, net incomeAbstract
In this study, the effects of irrigation water use on silage yield on 6 different silage maize varieties (Samada-07, AGA, SY-Antex, SY-Inove, Kalideas, Simpatico) were investigated. Besides, silage maize varieties with different FAO maturity groups were subjected to economic analysis and net income values of the varieties were determined. The experiment was established in the ecological conditions of Bilecik during two years (2019 and 2020) and was randomized blocks design with three replications. The highest irrigation water use efficiency and silage yield were determined Samada-07 (21.15 kg m-3 ve 94.6 t ha-1, respectively) ve AGA (sırasıyla 18.73 kg m-3 ve 83.77 t ha-1, respectively). The lowest water irrigation water use was obtained from SY-Antex, while the silage yield was obtained from Sy-Antex, Kalideas, and Simpatico varieties. The highest net income was determined Samada-07 and AGA, while the lowest was SY-Antex, Kalideas and Simpatico. As a result, Bilecik ecological conditions and the main product is in corn cultivation; Samada-07 and AGA varieties that the local and late maturing came into prominence in terms of silage yield, water use efficiency, and economic analysis. In addition, early maize maturing varieties (Kalideas and Simpatico) performed better than the median maize maturing varieties (SY-Inove and SY-Antex).
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