In Vitro Regeneration of Muscari racemosum Mill. Using Twin Bulb Scales, Primary Bulbs, and Leaf Bases

double scales, mass propagation, rooting, in vitro, acclimatizationAbstract
Turkey is an important center of diversity for many plants species including bulbs, rhizomes, tubers, and other plants of high agricultural and horticultural importance. These species have a special importance as ornamental plants. However, due to urbanization and related factors, many of them are under threat. One of these species is the endemic Muscari racemosum Mill. The current study aimed to develop an efficient in vitro commercial bulblet propagation procedure using different explants. Twin-scale bulb explants were regenerated on MS medium having several doses of Kinetin+NAA (1-Naphthaleneacetic acid). The best regeneration was exhibited on 4.65 μM Kinetin+5.37 μM NAA at the end of 10 weeks with induction of 4.08 bulblets/explant with a mean diameter of 0.31 cm. The primary bulblets were cultured on MS medium having 18.60 μM Kinetin+5.37 μM NAA. About a 2.5-fold increase in the diameter of the bulbs (0.76 cm) was exhibited on the regenerated bulblets. The bulblets were regenerated on leaf bases taken from MS medium having several doses of BAP (6-Benzylaminopurine) + NAA. The regenerated bulbs were rooted on MS medium having 4.90 μM IBA (Indole-3-butyric acid) followed by their transference to a greenhouse for acclimatization. This study provided important information on commercial clonal propagation of M. racemosum and the importance of explants and growth regulators in plant regeneration.
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