Determination of Resistance and Morphological Characteristics of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Genetic Sources to IMI Group Herbicides

Chickpea, C. arietinum, imazamox, herbicide tolerance, genetic variationAbstract
This study was carried out to determine the genetic variation for resistance to imidazolinone herbicides in genetic resources at Koruklu-Talat Demirören Research Station belong to GAP Agricultural Research Institute in 2019-2020. As plant material, 238 chickpea genotypes (165 Cicer reticulatum, 72 Cicer echinospermum, 1 Cicer arietinum L.) collected from the Southeastern Anatolia Region of the annual wild forms of the cultivated chickpea species were used. When the 15 genotypes selected as a result of the research were evaluated among themselves, all parameters (except 100 seed weight) were statistically significant (p<0.01). IMI application extended flowering and maturation times in genotypes. IMI applied genotypes 8.01 cm2 while the average width of the crown of the plant control was 19.78 cm2. While the average yield was 716.0 kg ha-1 in the applied genotypes, it was 2873.4 kg ha-1 in the controls.
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