Determination of Combustion Characteristics of Pellets Obtained From Sweet Sorghum Bagasse Growed Under Cukurova Conditions

Sweet sorghum, pellet, calorofic value, flue gas emissionsAbstract
Sweet sorghum is a C4 plant with a high sugar ratio and biomass yield and grows in warm conditions that do not need much water. The high sugar content of sweet sorghum, which is grown as a forage crops, has brought the plant to the fore in the use of bioethanol production. The objectives of this work were to produce biopellets made from sorghum bagasse and to evaluate its calorofic value and combustion characteristics. In this study, 21 different sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor var. saccharatum (L.) Mohlenbr.) genotypes were used as material. The extracted stalks were turned into pellets after being dried to 10-15% moisture content and milled. The calorific value, ash content and flue gas emission (O2, CO2, CO, NO, NOx and SO2) values of the obtained pellets were determined. According to the two-year averages of the study, as a result of the analyzes made on the pellets, the calorific value, ash content, O2, CO2, CO, NO, NOx and SO2 varied between 4239-4361 cal/g, 4.23-5.88%, 13.6-17.3%, 3.5-7.1%, 459-1211 ppm, 85-152 ppm, 89-160 ppm and SO2 0-2 ppm, respectively. When the data obtained as a result are examined, it is observed that the calorific value of A and B class pellets should be 3463 cal/g, and above according to the determined standards, and since the heating value of the pellets obtained in both years in our study is much higher than the value specified in the standard, they are of A class quality in terms of calorificl value. has been determined. When sweet sorghum stems could be an alternative to coal, a clean, environmentally friendly and renewable energy source when evaluated as pellets.
According to the two-year averages of the study, as a result of the analyzes made on the pellets, the calorific value, ash content, O2, CO2, CO, NO, NOx and SO2 varied between 4239-4361 cal/g, 4.23-5.88%, 13.6-17.3%, 3.5-7.1%, 459-1211 ppm, 85-152 ppm, 89-160 ppm and SO2 0-2 ppm, respectively.
When the data obtained as a result are examined, it is observed that the calorific value of A and B class pellets should be 3463 cal/g, and above according to the determined standards, and since the heating value of the pellets obtained in both years in our study is much higher than the value specified in the standard, they are of A class quality in terms of calorificl value. has been determined. When sweet sorghum stems could be an alternative to coal, a clean, environmentally friendly and renewable energy source when evaluated as pellets.
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