The Effects of Training Systems on Tree Growth, Yield And Fruit Quality In Braeburn and Red Chief Apple Cultivars on M26 Rootstock

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  • Emine KÜÇÜKER Siirt Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü, Siirt



Apple, raining systems, rootstocks, fruit quality, yield and yield efficiency


This study was carried out with Braeburn and Red Chief apple cultivars grafted on M 26 apple rootstock in Tokat ecological conditions during 2008-2009. In the study, Slender Spindle, Hytec, Vertical Axis training systems were applied on the trees planted with 3,5x1,5 m intervals; where all the trees were planted in 2006 December. The vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality performances of the trees constituted on wire-stake combination system were analysed during two years. In the study, where vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality performances of the trees grown on wire-stake combination system were evaluated, the training systems did not have any effect on the trunk sectional area after two years from planting. Considering the same planting distances and the same rootstocks, while the lowest  canopy volume was obtained M 26/Hytec combination with 1,04 m3. At a result of this, it can be said that canopy volumes were affected by training systems. while the training systems had no effect on the yield efficiency, the highest values for yield per decare were obtained from M 26/Vertical Axis combination with 716,33 kg/da. The fruit quality parameters were not also affected by training systems. On the other side, ‘a values’ which represents red color were differed by combinations used in the study, where ‘a value’ was 23,68 in Red Chief/M 26/Vertical Axis combination. According to these results, not only tree higth but also planting distances affected the fruit color.


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How to Cite

KÜÇÜKER, E. . (2021). The Effects of Training Systems on Tree Growth, Yield And Fruit Quality In Braeburn and Red Chief Apple Cultivars on M26 Rootstock. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 5(4), 1003–1013.


