Investigation of Some Physical and Physiological Properties of Tobacco (Nicotina tabacum L.) Seeds Stored at Different Times

Tobacco, Nicotina tabacum L., Seed characteristics, StorageAbstract
Tobacco is an important pleasure plant with economic value. Turkey has made a place for itself in this market with the oriental tobaccos grown in the world. This study was carried out in the laboratories of Bingöl University between the years 2020-2021. Some physical (length, width, surface area, average arithmetic diameter, average geometric diameter, sphericity, thousand-grain weight) and physiological (germination rate and germination time) of tobacco seeds stored in different years (1 year-5 years-10 years-15 years) under controlled conditions properties were examined comparatively. It was determined that the commercial value of the seeds decreased gradually after the storage period of 5 years. It is aimed that the data obtained in this study will help producers and researchers in production, storage, breeding research and mechanization applications.
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