The Effects of Treated Wastewater Concentrations on Germination and Seedling Growth of Different Lentil Cultivars

Lentil, Germination, WastewaterAbstract
Global climate change and rapidly increasing world population has put pressure on fresh water resources and this pressure has pushed the agriculture sector to seek alternative water resources. At the forefront of these sources is treated wastewater. In this study, the effects of different concentrations of treated wastewater levels (Control, 25% treated wastewater, 50% treated wastewater, 75% treated wastewater, 100% treated wastewater), on germination and seedling growth on two different lentil cultivars (Ceren and Ankara yeşili) were investigated. The study was carried out under controlled conditions with 4 replications according to the randomized plot design at the factorial level. As a result of the study, statistically significant differences were observed between the varieties in terms of all characteristics and the best results were obtained from the 75% treated wastewater concentration. It was revealed that the level of treated wastewater increased the germination and seedling growth compared to the control subject.
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