The Effect of Potassium and Calcium Fertilization on the Quality Parameters and K and Ca Content of Lilium (Lilium casablanca) Plant

Fertilization, lilium, ornamental plant, vase lifeAbstract
This study was carried out to determine the effects of Lilium (Lilium casablanca) ornamental plant on the quality parameters and potassium and calcium contents of potassium and calcium fertilizers. Randomized blocks design were set up with 4 replications and fertilizer treatments K0 (control), K1 (32 g m-2 K2O), K2 (32 g m-2 K2O) and Ca0 (control), Ca1 (16 g m-2 CaO) and It was applied as Ca2 (24 g m-2 CaO). The tallest plants were determined with 119.2 cm in K2 Ca1 combination, and the shortest plants with 95.9 cm (K0 Ca0) were determined in the control application. The maximum flower stalk thickness was determined in the K2 Ca2 application with 2.41 mm and the smallest value with 1.99 mm was determined in the control (K0 Ca0) application. The highest number of florets (4.53) was determined in K2 Ca2 application, and the least in K0 Ca0 application (4.13). The lowest vase life was determined in plants without calcium (Ca0). The vase life (days) is listed as Ca2> (16.4) Ca1>(16.2)>Ca0(14.8). The longest vase life (days) was determined K2+Ca2 (18.0)>K2+Ca2 (17.2)>K2+Ca2 (15.6)> when potassium and calcium were applied together (K+Ca). It was determined that the amount of potassium varied between 3.38-4.16% in the leaves, 3.88-4.75% in the stem, 2.72-2.98% in the floret, and 1.40-1.78% in the leaves, 1.57-1.91% in the stem, and 1.26%-1.34% in the floret. Among the applications, it was determined that the application of K2 Ca2 (48 g m-2 K2O and 24 g m-2 CaO) was the most effective fertilizer combination.
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