Determination of The Most Suitable Nutritional Solution in Tomato Seedle Growing

Plant nutrition, nutrition recipe tomato, seedling growth, root, stem, leafAbstract
In this study, the growth parameters of tomato seedlings were examined by applying different nutrient solutions in tomato seedling cultivation. The study was carried out to determine the best, highest quality and most mature seedlings in the seedlings formed as a result of the application of different nutrient solution recipes applied to Bandita F1 hybrid tomato variety plants grown in peat + perlite mixture. The study was carried out in three stages. In the first stage, tomato seeds were sown in viols with a mixture of peat perlite and watered with distilled water until germination. In the second stage, it was irrigated with seven different nutrient solution applications. From seven different nutrient recipes, the control group commercial fertilizer was prepared by keeping N, B and Mg constant and gradually increasing P, K, Ca, Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn at different concentrations according to the others hoagland solution. In the third stage, plant weight, leaf weight, stem weight, number of leaves, stem diameter, stem length, internode distance, root weights of the seedlings that reached planting maturity were measured. As a result of the measurements, the best quality, good and mature seedling; N (186 ppm), P (35 ppm), K (237.4 ppm), Mg (49.28 ppm), Ca (180 ppm), Fe (3 ppm), Mn (0.037 ppm), B (0.205 ppm), Cu ( 0.020 ppm) and Zn (0.030 ppm).
The study was carried out in three stages. In the first stage, tomato seeds were sown in viols with a mixture of peat perlite and watered with distilled water until germination. In the second stage, it was irrigated with seven different nutrient solution applications. From seven different nutrient recipes, the control group commercial fertilizer was prepared by keeping N, B and Mg constant and gradually increasing P, K, Ca, Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn at different concentrations according to the others hoagland solution. In the third stage, plant weight, leaf weight, stem weight, number of leaves, stem diameter, stem length, internode distance, root weights of the seedlings that reached planting maturity were measured. As a result of the measurements, the best quality, good and mature seedling; N (186 ppm), P (35 ppm), K (237.4 ppm), Mg (49.28 ppm), Ca (180 ppm), Fe (3 ppm), Mn (0.037 ppm), B (0.205 ppm), Cu ( 0.020 ppm) and Zn (0.030 ppm).
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