Using Internet of Things for Temperature and Humidity Monitoring in Forage Production Using Hydroponic Method

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  • Ahmet BÖBREK Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi, Teknik Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu, Burdur



Indoor agriculture, air conditioning, temperature control, humidity control


With the increasing population in the world, the demand for food is also increasing. Despite intensive production due to reasons such as climate change and decrease in water resources, the food supply remains insufficient. More efficient methods are being researched in feed production techniques, which is one of the main inputs of the sector, in order to meet the need for animal food. One of the preferred methods as a result of production searches is the production of roughage by hydroponic method. With vertical agriculture, more production can be made in narrower production areas and more than 90% savings are achieved in resource use. In the production of roughage by hydroponic method, the seeds of forage plants are germinated and used in animal feeding as green in 6-8 days. A very small amount of normal water or nutrient water is used for germination of seeds. It is understood from research that the product produced by hydroponic method is suitable for animal nutrition. In hydroponic systems, it is necessary to maintain a constant balance between temperature and humidity. In systems established for feed production, molds may occur due to the inability to adjust the temperature and moisture balance well. In researches, it is stated that mold reduces the quality of feed and can even cause the death of animals. All processes applied in closed production systems, which meet a great need in feed production, must be precisely controlled. Within the scope of this study, it was tried to reduce moisture measurement errors in roughage production by hydroponic method. The measurement data taken with the realized measurement equipment were processed using digital filters. When sufficient data is obtained, it will be possible to conduct research on seed germination of different forage plants by using it in artificial intelligence studies.


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How to Cite

BÖBREK, A. (2022). Using Internet of Things for Temperature and Humidity Monitoring in Forage Production Using Hydroponic Method. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 6(1), 72–81.


