Chalcidoid Parasitoids of Chromatomyia horticola (Gouraiu) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) on Field Sunflower in Turkey

Chalcidoidea, parasitoid, Hellianthus annuus, Chromatomyia horticola, Agromyzidae, KayseriAbstract
Chromatomyia horticola (Goureau, 1851) (Diptera:Agromyzidae) is a polyphagous species and very common worldwide. In this study, parasitoids of Chromatomyia horticola were investigated on sunflower (Hellianthus annuus) during 2017-2018 in the Kayseri province. Infested leaves were sampled weekly and kept in the laboratory to observe and count emerging leafminers and parasitoids. Ten species were identified from Chalcidoidea superfamily. Among these parasitoids: 1 species belonging to Eupelmidae family, 6 species belonging to Eulophidae family, 1 species belonging to Mymaridae family and 2 species belonging to Pteromalidae family were identified. These species; Eupelmus urozonus (Dalman, 1820), Neochrysocharis chlorogaster (Erdös, 1966), Neochrysocharis clara (Szelenyi, 1977), Neochrysocharis formosa (Westwood, 1833), Pediobius metallicus (Nees, 1834), Diglyphus iseae (Walkerotal, 1838), Pronotalia sp. (Gradwell, 1957), Cyrtogaster vulgaris (Walker, 1833), Sphegigaster brevicornis (Walker, 1833), Mymaridae sp.(Haliday,1833) . Among these species, Diglyphus iseae, Pediobius metallicus and Neochrysocharis formosa were identified as having the highest densities. When evaluated in both years, Diglyphus iseae was identified as the important parasitoid of agromyzides in Kayseri. In addition, Eupelmus urozonus and Pronotalia sp. have been identified as a new parasitoid species for Chromatomyia horticola.
Keywords: Chalcidoidea, parasitoid, Hellianthus annuus, Chromatomyia horticola, Agromyzidae, Kayseri
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