Determination of Heavy Metal Contents of Some Liquid Organic and Organomineral Fertilizers Used in Fertigation System

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Heavy metal, Fertigation,, Chemical fertilizer,, Organic fertilizer,, Organomineral fertilizer


In recent years, the climatic changes caused by global warming have also had a significant impact on countries' precipitation regimes. As a result, it requires the most economical use of water used in cities, industry and agriculture. Most of the water recovered from precipitation is used for irrigation purposes in crop production, which is part of agricultural activities. The studies found that drip irrigation (fertigation) is one of the best methods. The main purpose of the study is to determine the conformity status of some liquid organomineral and organic fertilizers used in the fertigation system (EC fertilizers) according to the "Regulation on the Surveillance and Inspection of Fertilizers on the Market" of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry dated 29.03.2014 and numbered 28956; as a result, to examine the effect on soil pollution. Originally packaged fertilizers from the market and from fertilizer factories served as material. The heavy metal content of liquid fertilizer was determined. Analysis of fertilizer samples was performed according to AOAC Official Method 2006.03. It was determined that 15 out of 38 fertilizer samples determined for Arsenic, Cd, Co, Cr, Hg, Ni and Pb were compliant, accounting for 39.47% of the samples. As a result of the study, it will be beneficial to use these fertilizers in the fertigation and fertilization programs that are established based on soil, foliar and water analysis.





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How to Cite

PEKCAN, T., & ÇOKUYSAL, B. . (2022). Determination of Heavy Metal Contents of Some Liquid Organic and Organomineral Fertilizers Used in Fertigation System. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 6(2), 387–394.


