Effect of Inoculation with Azospirillum spp. Bacteria on Some Cereal Species Agro-morphological Characteristics

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Azospirillum, Wheat, Barley, Oat, Yield


It has been reported that Azospirillum bacteria can be used as an alternative to chemical fertilizers used to increase grain yield and quality. The effects of bacterial application, which can be an alternative to chemical fertilizers, on some grain species have been investigated in today's world where the world population is increasing and access to quality food is difficult. The study, which was carried out with three varieties of barley, oat and bread wheat species in Kahramanmaraş conditions, was carried out according to the randomized blocks split plot design. In the study, the number of days to spike, plant height, flag leaf length, spike length, spike number, grain number per spike, grain weight per spike, number of spike per m2, thousand grain weight, hectoliter weight and grain yield values ​​were investigated. According to the results obtained, the application of bacteria decreased the grain yield in barley, but had no effect on bread wheat and oats. Grain yield varied between 371.11-531.11 kg da-1 in barley, 205.55-353.33 kg da-1 in oats and 497.78-678.89 kg da-1 in wheat. As a result of the study, it was determined that the effect of bacterial application on the examined grain species was insignificant.



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How to Cite

TANRIKULU, A., & ALBAYRAK, Önder. (2022). Effect of Inoculation with Azospirillum spp. Bacteria on Some Cereal Species Agro-morphological Characteristics. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 6(2), 349–359. https://doi.org/10.46291/ISPECJASvol6iss2id311


