Germination Characteristics and Seedling Development of Hungarian Vetch (Vicia pannonica Crantz.) in Different Priming Application

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Hungarian vetch, priming, soaking time, germination, seedling, smoke solution


In the study, 3 different priming processes at different soaking times were applied in order to promote germination and seedling characteristics of Hungarian vetch (Vicia pannonica Crantz.), which is one of the high quality forage sources. Distilled water, smoke solution obtained from oat straw (1%) and rock salt (1%) were used as the priming source and each was applied to the seeds at 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours soaking times. At the end of the soaking times, the dried seeds were left to germinate under controlled conditions. At the end of the experiment, germination percentage, germination rate, shoot length, root length, seedling fresh and dry weight and shoot strength were determined. The effects of priming source, soaking time and interactions on the investigated properties were significant. Priming with distilled water and rock salt was effective in terms of germination parameters and seedling characteristics. Although the smoke solution had a negative effect on the germination properties, it was found to have a higher positive effect on the shoot power, fresh and dry weight compared to other priming sources. In terms of soaking time, it was determined that 2 and 4 hours of priming increased the fresh and dry weight of the seedlings. As a result, it has been shown that three priming processes applied with a 2-hour soaking time is suitable for Hungarian vetch.


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How to Cite

ÇOPUR DOĞRUSÖZ, M., BAŞARAN, U. ., MUT, H. ., & GÜLÜMSER, E. . (2022). Germination Characteristics and Seedling Development of Hungarian Vetch (Vicia pannonica Crantz.) in Different Priming Application. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 6(3), 437–447.


