Characterization Of Turkey Local Winter Sown Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Populations Using Principle Component Analysis

Chickpea-winter sowing- charecterisation, principle component analysis (PCA)Abstract
A total of 170 different the local chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes collected from the Mediterranean and Central Anatolian regions, Adana, Hatay, Osmaniye, Maraş, Mersin, Karaman provinces were studied in order to evaluate in breeding studies and to determine some impmedium wident agronomic and morphological characteristics. Characterizations of genotypes at the time of winter sowing were investigated qualitatively and quantitatively. Morphological characterization studies were carried out according to the definition list published by IPGRI for chickpea and the UPOV feature document of this species. In this study, the characteristics of the chickpea plant and its seed were examined and the differences between these examined characteristics were determined. It is seen that the canopy height and hundred seed weight have the highest values on the First Main Component in terms of weights and contribution margins in the first three main components of the characteristics evaluated in winter agriculture. When the Second Main Component values were examined, it was determined that the number of leaflets and the first branch had the highest values. In the third main component, the values of flower color and pigmentation were determined to be the highest. Among the three main components, the determined features were determined as the characters that could be the basis for the differentiation of the populations.
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