Soil and Plant Analysis of Vineyards in Manisa-Alaşehir Region and Investigation of Nutrition status

Vineyard. (Vitis vinifera L..),, Sultani Seedless Grape, macro and micro elementsAbstract
The aim of the study was to create a database to determine the dimensions of fertilization in the region. the mineral nutritional status of the vineyards (some macro and micro elements) and the physical and chemical properties of the soils (fertility levels of the soils) with soil and leaf analysis in the vineyards of Manisa. Alaşehir region; Baklacı, Killik, Ilgın and Kasaplı areas. For this purpose, soil samples were taken from 15 vineyard areas from 0-30 and 30-60 cm in depth. leaf samples were during veraison (leaf and petiole) and analyzed. According to the analyzed soils, the amount of organic matter in 97% of the soils, total N in 83% of analyzed soil samples, K in 21%, Ca and Mg in 3% in soils were found very low. Soil analysis of micro element was shown 20% of the soils for Fe, 43% of the soils for Zn microelements was determined as deficient. In additional was found that in 100% of soils were sufficient for Mn and Cu elements. The soil analysis was also shown boron toxicity in 80% of the sample soils. When the results of the plant analysis were evaluated, it was determined that the amount of nitrogen was sufficient and high in 100%, K in 33% and Ca in 53% of the soils respectively. All of the leaves analyzed were found to be adequate for iron, zinc, manganese and copper. Hundred percent of plant samples showed that the concentration of boron was at toxic level. As a result of the research, it can be said that soils are generally classified as slightly alkaline, lime-free or low-calcified and therefore no negative effects are determined from the uptake of micro elements (Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu). Significant relationships were determined between nutrient contents of samples taken from 0-30 and 30-60cm soil depths.
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