Why Should Agricultural Education be Given Importance in Secondary Education in Turkey

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Agricultural education, secondary education, higher education, agricultural extension, qualitative data


Agricultural education is examined in two main areas as formal and non-formal education. Formal education is classified as secondary education and higher education. The primary purpose of this study is to examine the historical perspectives and future developments of agricultural education in secondary education institutions in Turkey. Using a chronological and thematic method of qualitative research, this study utilised internal written documents obtained from primary sources as well as secondary sources such as journal articles, books, conference proceedings, and governmental reports. The general results show that agriculture is an area that arises to the needs of people, and is developed by education and experiences. The crucial mission of agriculture is to feed humanity. However, in the modern era, this sector is used to create jobs in rural areas, contribute to exports, and to provide inputs for other sectors of the economy. All of these functions can only be strengthened and transferred to future generations by education. Agricultural high schools, which depend on different institutions in different periods and differentiate their status, are institutions that offer vocational and technical training to provide qualified human needs for the sector of agriculture. Agricultural high schools and programs undertook essential tasks in terms of raising skilled human resources for the farming industry. But these schools have faced significant changes in their numbers, names, and curriculums which have significantly altered their original mission in recent years. As a result, it is concluded that the importance given to agriculture education in secondary education has decreased over the years. Strategies for strengthening these schools are discussed in this paper.


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How to Cite

KAYNAKÇI BAYDAR, C. ., & BOZ, İsmet. (2022). Why Should Agricultural Education be Given Importance in Secondary Education in Turkey. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 6(3), 530–538. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6990587


