New Record of Inquiline Wasp of The Genus Synergus Hartig, 1840 From Sivas, Turkey

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Cynipidae, Synergus, new records, inquiline wasps, Turkey


In the present study, it is aimed to determine inquiline wasp of oak galls from Sivas province and eight species were found belonging to genus Synergus (Hymenoptera: Cynipoidae).  These species are; Synergus albipes Harting, 1841, Synergus clandestinus Eady 1952, ,Synergus crassicornis ( Curtis, 1838), Synergus pallicornis Hartig, 1841,  Synergus pallidipennis Mayr, 1872, Synergus reinhardi Mayr, 1872,  Synergus ruficornis Hartig, 1840 and Synergus umbraculus (Olivier, 1791). S.clandestinus from these species are reported for the first time in the Turkish fauna. In addition to new record, Andricus collari were determined as a new host gall for Synergus clandestinus.


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How to Cite

FATİH, B. ., & GENÇER, L. (2022). New Record of Inquiline Wasp of The Genus Synergus Hartig, 1840 From Sivas, Turkey. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 6(3), 591–596.


