The Effect of Film Coating Application on Some Physical Properties of Potato Seeds

True potato seed, potato clones, Seed size, physical propertiesAbstract
Potato plant has an important place in human nutrition. For this reason, it is aimed to grow quality and healthy products by using different production techniques. This study was carried out in the laboratories of Bingol University and Ege University Faculty of Agriculture between 2021-2022. Potato clones used in the study (clones of 101 potato genotype and four different hybrid combinations) were obtained by crossing within a breeding program. In the study, seeds were also covered with water-based film coating material in order to improve seed properties. Then, some physical properties (length, width, surface area, mean arithmetic and geometric diameter and sphericity) of control and film coated real potato seeds were investigated. The results obtained were statistically evaluated at the p<0.05 significance level. In this study, the increase in the size of real potato seeds after the film coating application and the effects of this application on the seeds were determined.
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