An Investigation on Some Forage Quality Characteristics of Switch Grass (Panicum virgatum) Silage in Mixture with Kudzu (Pueraria phaseoloides)

Panicum virgatum, Pueraria phaseoloides, silage mixture, crude protein contentAbstract
The aim of study was to determine some forage quality characteristics of switch grass (DD) and kudzu (K) mixture (%0K+%100DD, %20K+%80DD, %40K+%60DD, %60K+%40DD, %80K+%20DD, %100K+%0DD) silages. Harvested plant materials were chopped in size of 1 cm, and then the samples were ensilaged by vacuuming. Silages were kept 45 days for fermentation in a dark ambient condition. Some parameters were measured in the experiment such as pH, lactic and acetic acid ratio, crude protein (CP) content and metabolisable energy (ME). The data obtained indicated that the fermentation properties were negatively affected as the ratio of kudzu in the mixture increased, but the CP content increased. No significant effect of mixing ratios on relative feed value and ME was determined. It is recommended not to exceed 60% of kudzu to be added to switch grass to increase the CP content of silage.
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