The Effect of Sumac Supplementation on Egg Yield and Egg Quality in Layer Quails

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Coturnix coturnix japonica, diet, egg production, Rhus coriaria L, yolk colour


This study was carried out to determine the effect of adding different amounts of sumac to layer quail diets on egg production and some egg quality characteristics. In the study, 60 days aged 76 female quail were used. Quails were randomly distributed in individual cages, with 4 groups and each group has 19 quails. Thus, this study was carried out in a total of 4 groups; 1 control and 3 experimental groups. The mixed feeds of the experimental groups were prepared by adding sumac at the amount of, 0% (Control Group), 1% (Group I), 2% (Group II) and 3% (Group III). The trial was completed in 8 weeks. Sumac supplementation did not affect egg weight and feed efficiency in layer quails. Addition of 3% sumac 1-4, 4-8, 1-8 increased feed consumption between weeks. Egg production between 1-4 and 1-8 weeks increased significantly in the group with 2% sumac. It was determined that the addition of sumac significantly improved egg yolk weight, albumin weight, egg yolk color and Haugh unit; It was observed that it did not affect egg shell weight, shell thickness, albumen index, yolk index, shape index and egg specific gravity. As a result, it was concluded that the addition of sumac to the laying quail diets did not have any negative effects on performance and some egg quality, but resulted in positivly in terms of egg quality parameters.


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How to Cite

DOĞAN DAŞ, B., KIRAR, N. ., BİLAL, O. ., DAŞ, A., AVCI, M. ., BOZKAYA, F., & TUFAN, T. (2022). The Effect of Sumac Supplementation on Egg Yield and Egg Quality in Layer Quails. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 6(4), 657–666.


