Determination of Fermentation Properties of Silages Made at Different Mixing Ratios and Harvest Stage of Maize and Soybean Intercropping

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Maize-Soybean, sowing pattern, harvest stage, fermentation, organic acids


Knowing the fermentation characteristics and quality characteristics of silage is important for silage quality and to feed animal. Fermentation characteristics of silages made in different mixing ratios and cutting periods of maize (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max L.) grown in Çukurova conditions were determined. Different mixing systems of maize and soybean [pure maize, pure soybean, alternate rows (1M+1S, 1M+2S, 2M+1S) and same row (1M +1S, 1M+2S, 2M+1S)]. The forage was harvested at two different growth stages of maize such as the milk and dough stages. In the research, Yeşilsoy soybean variety and 31Y43 variety as silage corn were used as material. The experiments were carried out A split plot randomised complete block design with 4 replications in the Eastern Mediterranean Agricultural Research Institute Experiment Area for 2 years under second crop conditions. Although mixing ratios vary according to form periods and years; crude ash content 5.20-11.33%, pH 3.75-5.51, DM ratio between19.60 and 37.59%; lactic acid from organic acids 4.76-163.7%, acetic acid 2.95-94.4%, propionic acid 0.87-4.30%, butyric acid 0.28-55.10% and ethyl alcohol 2.03-25.83%. Pure soybean has higher ash content, pH, AA, PA and BA than pure corn and sowing pattern; It is seen that DM ratio, LA and ethyl alcohol have lower values ​than pure corn and mixtures. As a result of the research, in terms of important silage parameters, it is seen that the dough stage period has better than the milk stage period and pure corn has better characteristics than pure soybean, and the mixtures are equivalent to corn in terms of fermentation properties.



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How to Cite

YÜCEL, C., & AKKAYA, M. R. . (2022). Determination of Fermentation Properties of Silages Made at Different Mixing Ratios and Harvest Stage of Maize and Soybean Intercropping. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 6(4), 730–742.


