Influences of Transplanting Approaches of Propagation on Growth, Yield and Economics of Ginger (Zingiber officinale rose.) Cultivation

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Transplanting propagation, bud cutting, seedling, yield, ginger


Rhizome used as seed is utilized to cultivate ginger, and it comprises approximately half of the entire cost of production. In the Horticulture Farm of HSTU, Dinajpur, a study was carried out to assess the performance of the transplant production system of ginger cultivation with comparable growth and yield to traditional planting. A randomized complete block design with four replications was employed to conduct the study. The experiment comprised four treatments: T1= direct planting of seed rhizomes (control), T2= single bud transplanting (~5-10 g), T3= two buds transplanting (~10-15 g), T4= three buds transplanting (~15-20 g). Growth-related traits and yield of ginger were profoundly influenced by rhizome transplanting methods. In direct rhizome planting, the lowest days (40.61) for 50% emergence were noted. The direct planting of seed rhizomes resulted in the highest plant height (58.37 cm), number of tillers per hill (14.05), number of leaves per hill (159.01), yield per plant (133.46 g), and yield per ha (19.07 ton) due to the substantial food storage in it. On the contrary, the observed parameters of ginger were mostly statistically consistent across distinct transplanting methods. In respect of ginger cultivation's economics, T4 treatment provided the greatest net return (823600 TK/ha), whereas T3 treatment revealed the highest benefit-cost ratio (3.10). Considering the above facts, the results of this study demonstrated the suitability of the two-bud transplant approach due to the reduction in seed rhizome quantity, seed cost, and ultimately increased net profit in an economically feasible amount.


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How to Cite

RAHMAN, H. ., ALAM, M. ., NİSHİ, N. J. ., & ISLAM, M. S. . (2022). Influences of Transplanting Approaches of Propagation on Growth, Yield and Economics of Ginger (Zingiber officinale rose.) Cultivation. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 6(4), 752–761.


