Determination of Yield and Fiber Quality Characteristics of Some Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Varieties Cultivated in Şanlıurfa-Harran Plain Conditions

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Cotton, yield, fiber quality, performance, variety


The study was carried out in the Harran Plain in 2021. Cotton varieties (Candia, Zena, Kaira, Lodos, Livzara, Bomba, Fiona, May-455, Lima, Lazer) preferred by the producers were used as materials in the study. The study was carried out in a randomized block design with 3 replications. In the study, yield per decare (kg da-1), ginning outturn (%), fiber strength (g tex-1), fiber fineness (mic), fiber length (mm), fiber maturity (%), fiber uniformity (%), short fiber index, fıber rupture elongatıon (%), reflectance value (Rd) and yellowness value (b+) were determined by examining. It has been determined that there are significant statistical differences between the cultivars in terms of the characteristics examined. Performance of Fiona and Candia cultivars was found to be superior to other cultivars in terms of yield per decare. In addition, it was concluded that the varieties that perform well in terms of yield can be preferred more in terms of textiles than other varieties that are also superior in terms of fiber quality.



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How to Cite

BEYYAVAŞ, V., CUN, S., & KARA, H. (2022). Determination of Yield and Fiber Quality Characteristics of Some Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Varieties Cultivated in Şanlıurfa-Harran Plain Conditions. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 6(4), 816–827.


