Determination of the Effects of Lead (Pb) Heavy Metal Prepared at Different Concentrations under in vitro Conditions on the Growth of Arugula (Eruca sativa L.) Plant
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lead, in vitro, seed, Eruca sativaAbstract
In this study, the effects of Lead (Pb) heavy metal prepared at different doses under in vitro conditions on the growth of arugula (Eruca sativa L.) plant were determined. In the study, lead heavy metal was added to the MS medium at doses of 0, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 μM. In the experiment, the number of leaves (number), shoot length (mm), root number (number), and root length (mm) were examined. Except for the number of leaves, other parameters were found to be statistically significant in the study. In the experiment, the number of leaves (number), shoot length (mm), root number (number), and root length (mm) were examined. Except for the number of leaves, other parameters were found to be statistically significant in the study. The highest value (24.75 mm) in terms of shoot length was obtained in Pb-K medium. Among the media, the highest number of roots (3.00) was observed in Pb-K, while the root length (42.82 mm) was determined in the control group Pb-K media. Considering the experimental results, it was observed that the growth of the plants grown in the nutrient media prepared as the control group was better, and the growth of the plants slowed down as a result of the increase in the concentration of lead in the media.
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