The Effect of Different Planting Densities on Yield Yield Components and Some Quality Properties of Virginia (Sun-Cured) Tobacco in Adıyaman Province

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Sun-cured virginia, planting density, yield, quality


This study was carried out in a farmer field during the tobacco vegetation period in Kahta district of Adıyaman province in 2021. In this research, it was aimed to determine the yield and yield components, expertise and some chemical properties of sun-cured virginia tobacco variety of different planting densities. Experimental design was Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. In the trial, 7 different planting methods 110x38, 100x40, 100x35, 90x40, 80x40, 90x35 ve 80x35 cm were applied. Plant height (cm), number of the leaves (per plant-1), leaf width (cm), leaf length (cm), yield (kg da-1), visual quality, total alkaloid (nicotine) (%) and total reducing sugar (%) were investigated. According to the results obtained, it was concluded that the region is suitable for sun-cured virginia tobacco cultivation; when yield and yield components are considered, 110x38 cm planting norm and when chemical and expertise quality are prioritized, 90x40 cm planting norm can be recommended.




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How to Cite

VURAL, D. ., & EKREN, S. (2022). The Effect of Different Planting Densities on Yield Yield Components and Some Quality Properties of Virginia (Sun-Cured) Tobacco in Adıyaman Province. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 6(4), 852–865.


