Farmer Behaviours In Pistachio Growing At Siirt

Pistachio cultivation, Pistacia vera L., Siirt cv., farmer behaviours, growing habitsAbstract
Siirt pistachio is a local variety of pistachio fruit. How the production activities of this fruit, which is the livelihood of many families in Siirt region, are of great importance. This study was carried out to investigate the growing behaviour of pistachio farmers in the province. A survey was conducted with 99 farmers based on the number of pistachio growers registered in Farmer Registration System (FRS). Farmer's educational status, land assets, family population, borrowing status, soil cultivation techniques, soil fertility status, irrigation status, cultivated varieties and pollinator used in the garden were asked. These questions about how to make all the operations of pistachio farming current growing habits have been tried to be determined. 30.3% of the farmers participating in our study were in the 30-39 age range, 26.26% were high school graduates, 61.62% were non-agricultural workers in the family, average 24.4% decare was irrigated, average tree age was 8.3. It was determined that dry cultivation was done on an area of 39.05% decare. In addition, 61.6% of the farmers are in debt, 75.5% do not have soil analysis, 63.3% of the orchard productivity is normal, 37.8% of the farmers do not use pollinator tools and 73.7% of the growers did not apply artificial pollination.
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