Determination Relation between some Physiological Parameters, Yield and Technological Characteristics of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) by Path Analysis Method-II

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Cotton, yield, path analysis, NDVI, chlorophyll content, canopy temperature


This study was carried out in order to determine the relations between some physiological parameters, yield and fiber technological properties in cotton by using correlation and path analysis method and to benefit from these relations in breeding studies. According to the correlation analysis, there was a significant positive correlation between cotton yield and fiber yield, fiber fineness and canopy temperature, but negative correlations were found between yield and spinning consistency index (SCI), fiber length, fiber strength and single boll seed cotton weight. According to the path coefficient analysis, the highest direct effect on the cotton yield was determined by fiber yield (87.26%) and the highest indirect effect was realized by ginning percentage (6.00%). Physiological parameters such as chlorophyll content (SPAD value) had a direct effect on the yield (6.53%), also it had positive indirect effect via fiber yield (27%) and ginning percentage (24%). The direct effect of canopy temperature on yield was negligible (0.09%), but it had significant positive indirect effect via fiber yield (75%) and ginning percentage (14%). Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI: GreenSeeker reading) had direct effect on yield (2.28%), but it had significant indirect effect via fiber yield (58%) and ginning percentage (27%). The fact that physiological parameters such as chlorophyll content, canopy temperature and NDVI value are associated with yield indicates that these characteristics can be used as selection criteria.


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How to Cite

MUTLU, M. H., & KARADEMİR, Çetin. (2022). Determination Relation between some Physiological Parameters, Yield and Technological Characteristics of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) by Path Analysis Method-II. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 6(4), 874–886.


