Determination of The Relationship Between The Grain Traits and Grain Yield of Some Hybrid Dent Corn (Zea mays Indentata Sturt) Varieties

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  • Timuçin TAŞ GAP Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü



Grain, protein, oil, starch ratio


This study was conducted at Koruklu Research Station which is affiliated to GAP Agricultural Research Institute Directorate between 2016-2017 years in order to determination of the relationships between grain yield and grain traits of 20 hybrid maize varieties. Trial is designed in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Grain yield, grain/cob ratio, grain humidity, plant height and some grain traits (protein, starch, oil/grain ratio) were analyzed in study. According to the research results, ıt was determined that grain yield, grain/cob ratio, grain humidity, plant height, protein/grain ratio, starch/grain ratio and oil/grain ratio ranged from 972.02-1386.34 kg da-1, 0.77 - 0.91%, 15.27-29.47%, 245.15–307.36 cm, 7.67–14.50%, 58.73-76.30%,  3.10–8.27% respectively. In the second year of the trial, due to warmer and dry weather conditions, it was observed that the grain yields, yield components and starch ratio decreased in the second year compared to the first year. while grain yield and starch rates in corn varieties decreased,  protein and fat rates increased. It was determined that The grain yield was in a positive correlation with the starch ratio, while it was in a negative correlation with the protein and oil ratios.


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How to Cite

Timuçin TAŞ. (2020). Determination of The Relationship Between The Grain Traits and Grain Yield of Some Hybrid Dent Corn (Zea mays Indentata Sturt) Varieties. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 4(2), 222–233.


