Generation Z's Perspectives on E-Commerce in Animal Products After The Covid-19 Pandemic (I)

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Generation Z, covid-19, pandemic, e-commerce


The introduction of curfews in many countries with the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020 has led to changes in consumer behavior and reshaping of the marketing and distribution structure. In this context, this study investigated the change in the demands of veterinary faculty students for animal product groups through e-commerce after the pandemic. According to the research findings, it was determined that the frequency of online shopping increased in 52.1% of the participants and decreased in 17.1% during the pandemic period. The rate of those who said that the rate of online food shopping "increased" during the pandemic period was 26.4%, while the rate of those who said "it has decreased" was determined as 20%. Again, the rate of those who reported that the frequency of food orders increased after the pandemic was 43.6%, and the rate of those who reported a decrease was 18.6%. On the other hand, in the study, it was determined that the students did not have the habit of buying animal products (especially red meat and chicken) other than ready meals. As a result, it can be said that there is a steady increase in the attitude of ordering food and food over the internet, especially in the Z generation, and consumer behavior has changed to some extent during and after the epidemic.


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How to Cite

DEMİR AYVAZOĞLU, P., AYDIN, E., & KÜÇÜKOFLAZ, M. . (2023). Generation Z’s Perspectives on E-Commerce in Animal Products After The Covid-19 Pandemic (I). ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 7(2), 359–366.


