Benefit From Natural Plants In Landscape Architecture: Example of Siirt Geophytes

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  • Arzu ALTUNTAŞ siirt university



Landscape architecture, endemic plant, geophyte, natural plant, Siirt


The use of natural plants in landscaping provides many advantages. The adaptation to the climate and soil conditions of the region where they grow increases the chances of living compared to other exotic species; the cost of maintenance is low compared to other types. Our country is extremely rich about natural plants. The aim of this study is to investigate the natural geophyte species that growing in Siirt province in southeastern Turkey about possibilities of using landscape designs. Firstly a literature review was made on the subject. Afterwards, the geophyte species growing in Siirt were investigated and their possibilities of using in different landscape design areas were utilized about their various characteristics. Accordingly, 27.7% of the 54 geofit species growing in Siirt are suitable for use as medicinal and aromatic plants, 40.8% are in flower parters, 9.3% are in refuges and 24% are in natural and artificial water sides. %63 of them are suitable for use for exhibition and demonstration purposes and 72.2% of them are suitable for use in rock gardens.


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How to Cite

Arzu ALTUNTAŞ. (2020). Benefit From Natural Plants In Landscape Architecture: Example of Siirt Geophytes. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 4(2), 260–271.


