Some Socio-Economic Characteristics of Vineyard Farmers in Isparta, Burdur, and Antalya Provinces

Current situation analysis, producer, viticulture, grape productionAbstract
This study lays out the current situation of vineyard producers in Isparta, Burdur, and Antalya, which are important provinces for viticulture in Türkiye. The main material of the study consists of data obtained from surveys conducted with vineyard producers in Isparta, Burdur, and Antalya in 2018. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 30 producers in Isparta, Burdur, and Antalya provinces using a cluster sampling method. The results showed that 50% of the farms in Isparta had family members who could continue viticulture, while this rate was 76.7% in Burdur and 53.4% in Antalya. The rate of producers establishing a new vineyard if given the opportunity was 56.7% in Isparta, 20.0% in Burdur, and 56.7% in Antalya. The proportion of vineyards with trellis and other training systems was determined as 41.3% and 58.7% in Isparta, 7.6% and 92.4% in Burdur, and 61.4% and 38.6% in Antalya, respectively. The high average age of vineyard producers in the research area is a threat to sustainable viticulture in the region. Therefore, it is important to attract young farmers to the sector through subsidies, credit facilities, and grant programs.
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