Applicability of Gypsum-Doped Adobe (Adobe with Gypsum Dod) Covered with Paddy Straw in Agricultural Structures and Sustainability: Wall Design Application

Sustainability, Paddy Straw, Wall, Gypsum-Doped Adobe, Masonry StructuresAbstract
The combination of factors such as population growth, industrialization, urbanization, changes in production technologies and consumption patterns; cause climate change and environmental pollution problems. Therefore, the concept of sustainability and the transfer of resources to future generations are of great importance. The aim of this study is to design a wall for use in agricultural buildings where the climate effect, especially the wind and rain effect, is minimized and the paddy straw, which is an organic waste, is evaluated. This design is aimed to be sustainable, more sensitive to the environment, consuming less energy, having economical and at the same time ecological advantages, useful and ergonomic that can provide healthy living conditions. Gypsum-doped adobe (adobe with gypsum dod) was preferred as the material. Rice straw was used as the covering material. In order to make the design aesthetic, the De Stijl art movement was tried to be reflected in this wall design. The study consists of four stages. These stages are design process, projecting process, application process, static analysis. In this study, especially by trying to propose a protective, economical and sustainable solution, by building a wall in two directions with a height of 170 cm, in length of 140 cm was built. As a result, resistant, design alternative that minimizes the negative effects of wind and rain has been created for the implementers who will make construction for agricultural purposes. In this case study, It has been tried to offer a protective, economical and durable and environmentally friendly solution against variable climatic and environmental conditions for those who will construct agricultural buildings.
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