Hay Yield and Quality of Rye with Hungarian Vetch and Forage Pea in Intercropping

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Legumes, rye, intercropping, hay quality


The aim of the study is to determine the forage yield and quality of Hungarian vetch/forage pea (MF/YB) and rye (C) in an intercropping system that provides maximum faulting from the field. The field experiment was conducted in 2021-2022 to examine the effects of different binary sowing ratio (20:80%C/YB, 40:60%C/YB, 60:40%C/YB; 80:20%C/YB; 20:80%C/MF, 40:60%C/MF, 60:40%C/MF; 80:20%:C/MF, 100%MF, 100%YB, 100%C) in 3 replications. Trial was harvested in July 2022 and green herbage yield, hay yield, crude protein ratio, crude protein yield, ADF, NDF and mineral substance contents were determined. All of the investigated parameters were affected by the mixing ratios. With the decrease of rye ratio in the mixture, green herbage and hay yields decreased, but crude protein ratio increased. In terms of all three yield values, treatments with the highest ratio of rye in the mixture came to the fore. While the ADF and NDF contents increased in parallel with the rye ratio in the mixture, the mineral substance contents decreased in general. As a result, the evaluation of rye in intercropping system with MF and YB in the region and similar ecologies was complementary in terms of yield and quality. According to the parameters examined, mixtures of 80:20%C/YB and 80:20%C/MF were found to be superior to the others.


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How to Cite

ÇOPUR DOĞRUSÖZ, M., HAKKOYMAZ, O., BAŞARAN, U., MUT, H., & GÜLÜMSER, E. . (2023). Hay Yield and Quality of Rye with Hungarian Vetch and Forage Pea in Intercropping. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 7(2), 442–450. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8066271


