The Effect of Cultivation of Fodder Peas with Different Ratios of Barley and Wheat on Silage Quality
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Cereal, fodder pea, intercropping, silage quality, mixed ratioAbstract
An intercropping system is an agricultural production model that secures the future and sustainability of agriculture by offering various advantages in terms of both environmental and economic aspects. In this study, the effects of intercropping fodder pea with barley or wheat at different rates (100%, 75%, 50%, 25%) on silage quality were investigated. As a result of the research, dry matter (DM) content, pH value, flieg score, crude protein (CP) ratio, nötral detergent fiber (NDF) ratio, acid detergent fiber (ADF) ratio, dry matter intake (DMI) ratio, dry matter digestibility (DMM) ratio, relative fed value (RFV) value were between 26.47-35.39%, 4.07-4.39, 29.93-42.63, 6.74-16.75%, 42.33-60.57%, %32.15-43.81%, 1.98-2.84%, 54.77-63.85% and 85.52-140.67, respectively. It was determined that the flieg score and dry matter content of pure fodder peas increased, the pH value decreased, and the silage quality increased in silages made from fodder pea mixtures with wheat or barley at different rates. Moreover, it was determined that the silage of the low crude protein cereals mixed with fodder peas improved the potential nutritional value.
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